News list for " roxom"

Bitcoin-denominated trading platform Roxom completes $4.30 million Pre-Seed round, led by Draper Associates

Roxom, a bitcoin-denominated trading service platform, announced the completion of a $4.30 million Pre-Seed round of financing, led by Draper Associate of Tim Draper, with Borderless, Cadenza Ventures, Kingsway Capital, and NewtopiaVC and a group of angel investors participating. The specific valuation information has not been disclosed yet. Roxom claims that it is the first stock, commodity and futures exchange priced and denominated in bitcoin. Users can view global markets in bitcoin and supp...

2024-07-28 11:37:52
基于比特币计价的交易平台Roxom完成430万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Draper Associate领投

基于比特币计价的交易服务平台Roxom宣布完成430万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Tim Draper旗下Draper Associate领投,Borderless、Cadenza Ventures、Kingsway Capital、以及NewtopiaVC和一批天使投资人参投,具体估值信息暂未披露。Roxom称其是首个以比特币定价和计价的股票、商品和期货交易所,用户可以用比特币查看全球市场,并支持使用比特币进行交易,旨在通过...

2024-07-28 11:37:52